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Hegemons of the Bankrupt

During the Middle Ages in England, the poor had babies, but they mostly died. Neither did they have the income to feed a lot of them if they had tried to have large families. Children of the comparatively rich survived. Those higher in socioeconomic status are generally smarter and healthier. Since the poor were failing to reproduce at replacement levels, there was downward mobility as the children of the relatively smart and rich moved down the economic scale and took over jobs formerly done by the dumber and poorer. Thus, there was a eugenic effect on the whole of society. This trend culminated in the Industrial Revolution, an English phenomenon, creating more food than ever before due to advances in farming, and more wealth in general. Thanks to these developments, eventually leading to modern medicine, the population of the Earth went from one billion to around eight billion. This ability to feed the world on a mass scale and keep them alive with modern medicine were an almost-exclusively European and Anglosphere phenomenon. Now, however, there is a simmering hatred and resentment in countries that have been less successful, and in populations in richer countries that have not risen very high in the social hierarchy, which threaten the very gains of modernity. This hatred and resentment has been actively exacerbated and encouraged in any number of university departments which only exist to foment outrage directed at the successful – so-called “Grievance Studies.”
Objective subjects like mathematics, with no room for grade inflation, one would think, have now been infamously described as “racist.” Of course, there has been grade inflation there too. One math professor in the area was only too happy to retire when the pressure came down to pass students for calculus who could not do calculus, and that was over twenty years ago.
The hatred directed at white people and their active demotion to the most contemptible section of society is really unnecessary. We are very busy failing to reproduce at replacement levels anyway, other than religious conservatives. Wait a bit longer and you will not have anyone to get angry at. These supposedly white racist countries are the only ones that refugees and immigrants desperately try to get into. Not the countries filled with the non-odious “people of color.” Be careful what you wish for. Globalism, that deracinated nightmare of atomized individuals with liquid assets jumping from major city to major city without concern for which county that might be is derived from white Western civilization too. Bruce Charlton comments in an interview that with the end of Euro-American hegemony and thus that vampiric globalism, will come the end of modern living standards and relatively quick collapse back down to the one billion levels of population that existed before all the advances. It is something to keep in mind when looking at the proliferation of woke politics, deconstruction, and “anti-racism,” that all these forces conspiring together will make life worse for the very people they are claiming to help.
A black American podcaster, Jesse Lee Peterson, commented that black Americans are clamoring for the reins of power and to switch places with the white overlords, although this is really mostly just white people virtue signaling to other white people. He contends that were this vision to be realized, the whole of America would take on the characteristics of the ghetto. Low living standards, barely functioning infrastructure, which is possibly already here, and high crime and general lawlessness. Black Americans will end up the hegemons of the bankrupt.
Camile Paglia, back in the early 1990s, had already identified all the ways that this period in time resembles all the other collapses of civilization; namely, the Greeks and, especially, the Romans. These factors may have not held good with The Great Catastrophe somewhere around 1100 BC only because that was so fast. Items that indicate civilizational collapse include feminism. Whatever the female genius is, it does not include preserving structure.
The feminine tendency is towards pathological altruism and hatred of hierarchy. This impulse towards egalitarianism and sympathy for the downtrodden includes an animus to rules, principles, and equality before the law. Carol Gilligan, In a Different Voice, gives the example of kids playing baseball. The worst player strikes out and begins to cry. The boys wait for him to vacate the plate. The girls feel sorry for him and say “Oh. Go on. Give him another chance.” The boys say, the rule is three strikes and you are out. That is only fair. It is the same rule for each of us. And the fact is, there is no game at all without those rules. One has stopped playing baseball if people just stand there and keep pitching and swinging until bat hits ball. As I have argued before, there can be brief moments of compassion for the loser, but if that becomes dominant, the whole activity ceases. We need patriarchal structure with occasional exceptions. The reverse is just chaos.
Hence, the dissolution of society follows. Every institution is now dominated by the Left, or whatever would be the correct name these days, and the Left is a fundamentally femininized phenomenon. Universities cannot exist or function without hierarchy. They are no longer hiring the smart, but the conscientious. As Charlton points out, not only are we less capable of achieving excellence due to dramatically falling intelligence levels, but we are not even trying. Geniuses have high intelligence and are often antisocial (though this is not universally so). They cannot be concerned with worldly success – fame, money, status, and sex, but with their self-chosen problem. Many people will be offended by what they discover and they will be told they are wrong. Those who are too agreeable will not want to offend the consensus or to ruffle feathers and will thus stop what they are doing. University selection committees select for conscientiousness and medium intelligence (“midwits”), the head girl type, popular with her classmates, and now for race and sex. They cannot achieve excellence if they are not even trying for excellence. Geniuses also have to be obsessed with truth – a transcendental value. In the past, most geniuses were Christians or Jews (we could add Platonists). There was a single generation of atheists in the Twentieth Century who were geniuses, making it seem like there could be atheist geniuses, and that that would be the new trend going forward, but then it stopped. Charlton argues that these atheists were brought up in a religious household where they were taught to admire transcendental values, truth, beauty, and goodness. They then applied this zeal to their chosen subject-matter and field but that this phenomenon had ceased by the next generation down, hence we have simply stopped producing geniuses for the most part. Edward Dutton has contended that the transition from group orientation to extreme individualism that we saw with the 1960s results in a brief efflorescence of creativity as the restraints on individualism and thus individual genius are lifted, but then this collapses into sterility as individualism becomes the norm.
The Kali Yuga is part of a cyclical view of history embedded within Hinduism. It is the last stage in the cycle before the rotation begins anew. Everything goes to hell and is destroyed. After the catastrophe, the process starts again. Dutton warns that the higher the civilization, especially with regard to the Industrial Revolution, the worse will be the fall. So many of us have lost all knowledge of working the land thanks to the move to cities. After the fall of the Roman empire, more people knew about animal husbandry, agriculture, and horticulture and could return more easily to a lower mode of living.
It is not only feminism that emerges with civilizational collapse, but the removal of barriers to immigration. More and more members of the Roman Empire demanded Roman citizenship and flooded into Rome towards the end. Non-homogenous populations – genetically, ethnically, linguistically – diminish social trust, as Robert Putnam showed in the 1990s, even among those who share all those things. We have lost our trust in each other and as importantly, in all major social institutions, and deservedly so. We cannot trust the government, the Deep State, the FBI and CIA, the news media, the schools and universities. America is simply printing money (metaphorically) and banking (pardon the pun) on the fact that the US dollar is the dominant worldwide currency to prop it up. A lot of the money goes to hedge funds and then into assets like housing.
Rather bizarrely, and specifically, an obsession with blurring the distinction between male and female is also a feature of collapse. From a Girardian point of view, and perhaps Jungian, chaos is simply the loss of distinctions. Teacher/student, parent/child, human/animal, employer/employee. Many myths have women giving birth to animals, or things like dressing in seal skins and returning to the sea, and then coming up on land while removing the skins. Charlton points out that the demand that we agree that men can become women is so absurd and unscientific that pretending to agree that it is possible is intensely demoralizing. It is a show of force. What self-respect or devotion to truth is supposed to remain after conceding to that?
Before he died, Thomas F. Bertonneau read book after book about the Great Catastrophe, about Hesiod and Homer and their conscious effort to foster the reemergence of civilization, looking to the Bronze Age for inspiration. He read dozens of books about the Myth of Atlantis concerning lost civilizations, and books about the end of the Minoans, and the Mycenaean’s relatively brief prolongation of Minoan civilization after a volcanic eruption (probably) deposited ash all over the region to great depths.
Dutton sees the whole thing as analogous to the life cycle of an organism, with inevitable senescence and decrepitude. Spengler compared it to seasons with the Kali Yuga being winter. From Dutton’s point of view, there is no point in getting too caught up with conspiracy theories nor with thinking things like “if only we could get rid of critical race theory,” not least because anti-white hatred will still be in the minds of many teachers no matter what you do. The Romans too had grain surpluses and distributed them to the poor allowing them to multiply, lowering IQ and health. Once a civilization becomes very successful it can afford to be generous and general level of wealth is high. Without mortality salience, and with dysgenic breeding, people lose their natural religious impulses. The rich and smart use contraceptive methods and stop having children seeing them as a barrier to hedonistic self-indulgence and even higher standards of living. Without religion giving a vision of transcendental values, of eternity, moral realism, and the conviction that creation is good and life worth living, people sink into depression and nihilism which also contributes to not having children. Evolutionary psychology itself is “science” and thus embodies a materialist, non-religious metaphysic. Science cannot identify intrinsic value and thus has a black hole of nihilism sucking in everything. Science can only be the handmaiden of the religious. Once it becomes totalized, the Kali Yuga is only decades away.
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Richard Cocks is an Associate Editor and Contributing Editor of VoegelinView, and has been a faculty member of the Philosophy Department at SUNY Oswego since 2001. Dr. Cocks is an editor and regular contributor at the Orthosphere and has been published at The Brussels Journal, The Sydney Traditionalist Forum, People of Shambhala, The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal and the University Bookman.

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