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The Annunciation

The angel leans on one knee,
right palm and two fingers raised in blessing,
the skirts of his red robe flow behind him,
his wings stand upright in gold-brown elegance.
The lady
seems to be slightly hovering
in her blue robe of perfection.
The green shoots of wheat
reach up in the wind.
High above lilac, wisteria, clover
and hosts of winds
the sky is motionless blue.
Three birds circle two sleeping picnickers
whose hands just touch. One is a woman
in a cheap blue summer dress.
Iron rails kneel for miles in gullies.


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Glenn Hughes is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy (retired) at St. Mary’s University in Texas. He is author of numerous books, most recently From Dickinson to Dylan: Visions of Transcendence in Modernist Literature (Missouri, 2020). He is also co-editor, with Charles R. Embry, of The Eric Voegelin Reader: Politics, History, Consciousness (Missouri, 2017).

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