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A Visit to the Planetarium: A Poem

In the daft heaven of the planetarium,
            stars and galaxies streaked away from us
                        expanding in multiples of ten
                                    ad infinitum,


while a soothing, booming voice
            spoke of space and wonder, until our minds
                        grew dull from numbers and din
                                    and brilliant distraction.


Outside the museum were bare trees
            in wintry light, squirrels with plump cheeks,
                        pale shadows of branches
                                    on brittle snow,


and she was quiet. I loved her
            infolding like this, and we walked crunching
                        over the snow-paths, greeting the rude
                                    pinches of wind.
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Glenn Hughes is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy (retired) at St. Mary’s University in Texas. He is author of numerous books, most recently From Dickinson to Dylan: Visions of Transcendence in Modernist Literature (Missouri, 2020). He is also co-editor, with Charles R. Embry, of The Eric Voegelin Reader: Politics, History, Consciousness (Missouri, 2017).

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