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The Journey Forward: VoegelinView in 2023 and Beyond

New beginnings do not necessarily mean the end of old times. From its inception to today, VOEGELINVIEW has slowly been transforming itself from an online discussion forum of and by Voegelin scholars for Voegelin scholars into an online journal of the arts and humanities with international scope and appeal. This transformation was, in part, already begun in the previous years under our former editor-in-chief, Lee Trepanier, who devoted the pages of this journal to become more expansive and inclusion of art, culture, and literature rather than just philosophy and political philosophy with a Voegelinian focus. This adventure of transformation is now complete.
It is a cliché to say that America and the broader culture of the west has been vehemently under attack by enemies from within more-so than from without. Eric Voegelin was a keen observer of this crisis. While the totalitarian threat of fascism and communism were eventually subdued by the spiritual, culture, and political dynamism and energy of the west, its custodial institutions that once safeguarded that spiritual, cultural, and political dynamism were infiltrated by fellow travelers sympathetic to or outright working with the communist and “deconstructionist” cause that saw the west as fundamentally “bourgeoise,” “Christian,” and “capitalist” and needing extirpation for the utopian phantasmagoria of a new Gnosticism to arrive (entailing the end of the “bourgeoise,” “Christian,” and “capitalist” pillars the west was built upon). This assault has only intensified with the end of the Cold War. The revelations of the horrors of the Gulag and the brutal extermination of homegrown democratic uprisings in Eastern Europe made it difficult for western intellectuals sympathetic to the Soviet Union (and China) to continue making excuses for the horror of human rights abuses. Now, however, with the collapse of the rightly described “evil empire,” the new Gnostics turn their ammunition against the institutions and peoples that they have long been abused and hated because of their pride and egotistical self-conceit.
While this barrage on the west and its values of free speech, the rule of law, and fraternal charity (derided as “charity of consumption” by its critics) continues and is often the cause of much depression for the champions of the western spirit of universal love and intellectual curiosity, the age of the digital and technological revolution also portends new opportunities (as much as it brings with it new challenges). Never before has the old system of communication, monopolized by legacy media and their university counterparts staffed by zealous haters of the values that built those universities, been so vigorously challenged by the democratization of knowledge that the Internet brings. Building digital networks and alternative institutions that bring like-minded people of common love together is deemed a threat by the vandalistic “guardians of culture” which explains their animus against freedom of speech which is reworded as an opposition to “fake news” and “misinformation.” Yet this is what we labor to do at VOEGELINVIEW: to build a lasting alternative (online) institution of love that stands against the desecrating spirit of the vandals.
George Orwell wrote that it wasn’t the promise of socialism or even the defending of democracy that united the Allied war effort against totalitarian fascism. Rather, it was patriotism. The love of country and culture spurred Americans, British, Russians, Canadians, Australians, and all other allied men and women to fight against the destructive threat of the Axis powers during the Second World War. In that same spirit, it is our belief that the common cause of decent people everywhere remains a love for their country, their culture, and their communities. In this manner, VOEGELINVIEW seeks to reach the people where they are in their love: a love of the goodness of the west, a love of the western cultural inheritance, a love of the very theology and spiritual sentiment that affirms the Divine is not merely Truth itself but also Love itself and that Love “moves the sun and other stars.”
Restoring and promoting a culture of love and humanistic renewal in an age of de-humanization, inhumanity, and hatred is the fruitful endeavor that we undertake in these pages. The spirit of art and culture should not be the domain of the privileged few but the nourishing spirit of the many. This task, however, also recognizes that there are those with the gift of knowledge (and love) who can, and must, share that knowledge and love with the many who seek to begin the pilgrimage of love across the vast oasis of culture. It is, therefore, our responsibility to journey with those who seek to accompany us on this adventure. We write for the many, not the few. Our goal is to bring the beauty, love, and wonder of the humanities—from art and music to literature and philosophy—to the public.
While the pages of VOEGELINVIEW are dedicated to humanistic renewal with the heart of love for our cultural inheritance and continuing cultural maturation, this does not entail an uncritical eye to the treasures of our civilizational inheritance. In fact, love comes with a critical heart and eye—to see shortcomings where shortcomings are patently visible; not so much as to denigrate but as to warn and also instruct, to correct the errors and builder a better tomorrow. The best of the western artistic and cultural tradition has done exactly that. For instance, one cannot read Shakespeare and not recognize that Shakespeare was also subtly criticizing those who may lead us astray or offer an ultimately false nourishment for our anxious and restless souls. The very art of writing, be it literature, philosophy, or poetry has always spoken to the existential alienation woven into the fabric of existence with an inviting hand guiding us to the peace and love we seek. This journal intends to be one of those guiding hands and illuminating lights.
During the past year and a half of ongoing transformation, many contributors have, in fact, been indispensable in contributing and building a lasting alternative institution and publication founded on love for love and in wisdom for wisdom. To this end immense gratitude and thanks are given. Yet the transformation also brings new responsibilities and demands. As mentioned, we now write for the many rather than the few. Our goal is to reach many and inspire and inflame their hearts and souls for the love which clearly governs our own. A journey with many is better than a journey alone or with just a few.
VOEGELINVIEW is therefore devoted to the pillars of love of culture, an intellectual appetite for knowledge (and love) of all things, explorations and insights into the human condition, and a steadfast commitment to the liberty that makes the love of culture and love of wisdom possible. From art and culture to history and economics, from philosophy and theology to reviews and poetry, it is time to officially (re)christen VOEGELINVIEW as a journal of the arts and criticism governed by the spirit of cultural and humanistic love that is meant to be a publication for the world in need of cultural and intellectual renewal and resurrection. We stand as a bulwark of civilization and love rather than barbarism and hate. I hope that readers, new and old, and contributors, new and old, will embark on this pilgrimage together.
~ Paul Krause, Editor-in-Chief
If you would like to support this journey, you can ensure the transformation and survival of VOEGELINVIEW for years to come with a generous tax-free donation.
With support of the Center for the Study of Liberal Democracy, the University of Wisconsin Foundation – a 501(c)(3) organization (EIN 39-0743975) – receives donations by credit card on behalf of the journal. If you would like to give a gift now, please go here and make sure you have selected the VoegelinView fund:
You can alternatively support the Eric Voegelin Society which is also a 501(c)(3) organization (Tax ID 45-5508836). The Eric Voegelin Society, which publishes VOEGELINVIEW, can be supported through Nicholls State University by going here:
Make sure to write “Eric Voegelin Society” in the comments when providing a donation by credit card and “VoegelinView” if you wish your donation to go to the support of the journal. Alternatively contact Dr. David Whitney at [email protected] for instructions of how to make a contribution by check.
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Paul Krause is the Editor-in-Chief of VoegelinView. He is a writer, podcaster, and the author of Finding Arcadia: Wisdom, Truth, and Love in the Classics (Academica Press, 2023) and The Odyssey of Love: A Christian Guide to the Great Books (Wipf and Stock, 2021). Educated at Baldwin Wallace University, Yale, and the University of Buckingham, he is a frequent writer on the arts, classics, literature, religion, and politics for numerous newspapers, magazines, and journals. You can follow him on Twitter: Paul Krause.

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