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Help support the resurrection of culture and the humanities! VOEGELINVIEW is free to read but depends on the generosity of its readers to ensure the highest quality of cultural and intellectual commentary is given to you and the world. With readers and contributors across all continents, we value our ability to bring commentary, reviews, and poems on the enduring questions of the human condition. While free to read, the journal is not free to host and maintain. Therefore, the Eric Voegelin Society, which publishes VOEGELINVIEW, asks that you consider a tax-deductible donation to continue the support of the journal and the humanistic renewal of culture.
With support of the Center for the Study of Liberal Democracy, the University of Wisconsin Foundation – a 501(c)(3) organization (EIN 39-0743975) – receives donations by credit card on behalf of the journal. If you would like to give a gift now, please go here and make sure you have selected the VoegelinView fund:
Alternatively, you can support the Eric Voegelin Society which is also a 501(c)(3) organization (Tax ID 45-5508836). The Eric Voegelin Society, which publishes VOEGELINVIEW, can be supported through Nicholls State University by going here:
Make sure to write “Eric Voegelin Society” in the comments when providing a donation by credit card and “VoegelinView” if you wish your donation to go to the support of the journal. Or you can contact Dr. David Whitney at [email protected] for instructions of how to make a contribution by check.
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David Walsh is the Chair Board Member of VoegelinView, President of the Eric Voegelin Society, and Professor of Political Science at Catholic University of America. He is the author of a three-volume study of modernity: After Ideology: Recovering the Spiritual Foundations of Freedom (Harper/Collins, 1990), The Growth of the Liberal Soul (Missouri, 1997), and The Modern Philosophical Revolution: The Luminosity of Existence (Cambridge, 2008). His latest book is Politics of the Person and as the Politics of Being (Notre Dame, 2015).

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