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Harald Bergbauer is a Board Member of VoegelinView and has worked for many years as Associate Professor at the Bavarian School of Public Policy at the University of Munich. He is President of the German "Eric Voegelin Gesellschaft" and Lecturer of Business Ethics and Social Policy at the University for Applied Sciences. His publications include the books, Eric Voegelin’s Critique of Modernity (2000), Cultural Theorists Think the State: The State in the Work of Selected Cultural Thinkers of the 20th Century (2013), Reshaping the World of States in the 21st Century: How Secession Creates New Political and Economic Structures (2020); the article, "The West and the Rest - Reissue or Metamorphosis of Friend-Foe-Thinking in the Work of Samuel P. Huntington and Roger Scruton" (2020), and the book on Climate Policy and Economic Growth. Analysis of a Reciprocal Relationship of Tension (2024). All his works are published in German.

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