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VoegelinView’s Theme of the Month: Canada

In this month, we will examine the history, culture, philosophy, and politics of Canada. Some of our past features about Canada are below.


Tom Bateman’s “The Charter Revolution and the Efficient Part of Canada’s Constitution

Thomas Flanagan’s “Legends of the Calgary School: Their Guns, Their Dogs, and the Women Who Love Them

John von Heyking’s and Barry Cooper’s “‘A Cow is just a Cow’: George Grant and Eric Voegelin on the United States

John von Heyking’s “The Ministry of Love

Fritz Wagner’s “The Kafka-esque Kommando of Kanda


Dennis Baker’s review of Ian Brodie’s At the Centre of Government: The Prime Minister and the Limits of Political Power

Dennis Baker’s review of F. H. Buckley’s The Once and Future King: The Rise of Crown Government in America

Robert Sibley’s review of John Bonnett’s Emergence and Empire: Innis, Complexity, and the Trajectory of History

Robert Sibley’s review of Ron Dart’s book, The North American High Tory Tradition

Collin May’s review of David Robertson’s The Judge as Political Theorist

John von Heyking’s review of Ezra Levant’s Shakedown: How Our Government is Undermining Democracy in the Name of Human Rights

Tom Bateman’s review of David Edward Tabachnick’s and Leah Bradshaw’s Citizenship and Multiculturalism in Western Liberal Democracies


Barry Cooper’s Hunting and Weaving: Empiricism and Political Philosophy

Lee Trepanier’s review of Hunting and Weaving: Empiricism and Political Philosophy

John von Heyking’s review of Barry Cooper’s book, It’s the Regime, Stupid! A Report from the Cowboy West on Why Stephen Harper Matters

John von Heyking’s review of Barry Cooper’s and Ted Morton’s book, Suddenly There! Thirty Years of Killing Time Around Southern Alberta, 1985-2018


Emma Planinc’s review of Robert C. Sibley’s and Janice Freamo’s Sojourns in the Western Twilight: Essays in Honor of Tom Darby

Richard Avramenko’s review of Tom Darby’s Disorderly Notions


Brian Thorn’s “‘Ladies, Let Us Hold High the Banner of Social Credit!’ Reaction, Tradition, and Localism in Right-Wing Canadian Women’s Ideology

David Livingstone’s “Still So Little for the Mind: The Enduring Relevance of Hilda Neatby’s Defense of Liberal Education in Public Schools

David Livingstone’s “What Can Liberal Education Provide for Citizens of Liberal Democracy?

Paul Corey’s review of David Livingstone’s book, Liberal Education, Civic Education, and the Canadian Regime: Past Principles and Present Challenges

Lee Trepanier’s review of David Livingstone’s book, Liberal Education, Civic Education, and the Canadian Regime: Past Principles and Present Challenges


Sara MacDonald’s and Barry Craig’s Fate and Freedom in the Novels of David Adams Richards

Barry Craig’s “Freedom in the Novels of David Adams Richards

Sara MacDonald’s review of David Adams Richards’s Mary Cyr


Max Arnott’s essays are also available here!

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Lee Trepanier is Chair and Professor of the Political Science Department at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama and former editor-in-chief of VoegelinView (2016-21). He is author and editor of several books and editor of Lexington Books series Politics, Literature, and Film (2013-present).

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